Sunday, July 31, 2011

Best iPad and iPhone Apps and Devices for Guitar Players

After a lot of hesitation, and with the death of my old PC laptop recently, I did cross the iPad2 line to find... A whole new world of media! I know it souns "cliche" but this thing just delivers on its promise.

It is the ultimate 2011 tool for anything you like or want to do! Again nothing new but I never hear anybody say this about the iPad, so let me state it this way: the key strength and awesomeness is that iPad is for anyone and everyone. I can simply not go wrong but of the intrinsic customizable nature of this beast. It is what you make be, it does what you make it do, the sky really is the limit. Surfing the net, reading a book or pdf documents, watching videos, of course listening to music or the radio, reading or writing blogs, playing games, video chating....or ANYTHING you would need as you will surely find an app that does it.

On the subject of music, nice like below if you need examples, and also: the release of the Alesis IO Dock for iPad. Just found about it yesterday, and will probably be back to say more.

Best iPad and iPhone Apps and Devices for Guitar Players



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