Monday, March 2, 2009


Second song from the new album : Sansamitiéville

No real « legend » behind this song. However, I guess you could see there a true will to bluesify my style. Everything started by messing around with the guitar intro, then by adding typical 7th chords positions to get to the final chord progression, including the variation under the lyrics « J’ai beaucoup trop de temps, pour rien faire »… Contrary to the majority of the other songs, Sansamitiéville was a little more thought of, at least from a harmonic standpoint. Read me well: it's no crazy Jazz tune, but simply a new songwriting process for me, to sit down and try different progressions, different chords positions, and actually work on it instead of "oh, here it comes! I'm singing a song let's find some chords". The melody followed in a pretty natural way, and the lyrics along with it. Talking of the lyrics, the focus was much more on the rhythm of the words rather than puns, humor ou any other type of author work. The story is simple, typical "I love you, you don't love me back"… typical Blues story.

On a final note, quick advice to my fellow songwriters: generally, I try to organize my time by focusing on different activities in different periods: from composing, to rehearsing and playing gigs, or more promotion, recording, and also education, it is impossible for me with a full-time job "on the side", to do it all together. Sansamitiéville taught me that working on my instrument, developing my personal chords dictionnary, new positions etc.… is an amazing source of inspiration, diversification in style, and should never be overlooked. It also is a great way not to have to force yourself, and create songs in pain: with new sounds in your ears, ideas show up fairly easily! Now with my "education periods" comes more composing too!

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