Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Who likes Marketing?

New integrated marketing campaign for U by Kotex: Break the Cycle. "The way the Kotex brand will be positioned in the future will be very different. We are changing our brand equity to stand for truth, transparency and progressive vagina care. "

I just saw an ad on TV, it doesn't seem to be available yet on the Internet..., but here is an extract of the script:
“I’m a believably attractive 18- to 24-year-old female. You can relate to me because I’m racially ambiguous. Market research shows that girls like you love girls like me....”.

This is brilliant. It looks like they are carefully executing their positioning, using all channels for the "truth and transparency" of their ads, mocking all the conventional attributes of tampons commercials, while raising awareness on "progressive vagina care" and playing with the rules of our time as a responsible stakeholder who invests in the community and provides health tips and services...

Yes, when I don't play music, I am a Marketeer in a much more regulated industry.... which makes me think sometimes that I should try something else: this is great Marketing!

U by Kotex* – Help change the way people think about periods and feminine care.

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