Thursday, September 18, 2008

So…what’s up with this “Paris-Chicago” album?

Hi everyone !

Clearly, it’s not that easy! As far as recording goes, things are almost done….and you might say it'd better be!

We solved the drums problems we had on Farandole, so basically all drums are finalized now. We still have the bass on Farandole to work on, and some vocals here and there to improve.

Then, of course…mixing and mastering… At the same time, I started working on the album cover, first of all with a photo shooting session. I will probably also work with an American-Canadian photographer who realized a beautiful photomontage, representing perfectly the « Paris-Chicago » title… you'll see !

For the album distribution, I will have to start with a digital launch, the album will be available for download on major websites, and duplicating 100 CDs for local sales, gigs and for the press. Indeed, a true “replication” costs about $1200, so I’ll have to wait. That comes with the territory of auto-production!

All in all, will the album arrive in September?? Maybe just about then…give or take 15 days!

As always, your help is welcome! Some artists set up donation systems to help them out, I don’t think I’ll do that. The greatest help I’ve ever received, is your participation to the “buzz”…friends of a friend of a friend…who spread the word directly on MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, who participate to BlogNO (still a little shy in fact!), and then of course purchase the songs online!

My objective is not to get rich with this (this is why I kept my day job!), but to have an independent budget for my music project, for the following CD, and continue to record in a professional studio!

A bientôt !

Olivier (NO)

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