Sunday, September 28, 2008

Paris-Chicago almost ready!!

Hi everybody!

Yesterday, Sep 27th, we recorded the last notes of the new album "Paris-Chicago"!!!

As we did spend a lot of time on the tracking, and also started some mixing a couple of weeks ago, 80% of the album is actually mixed as I write.

We'll finish it up next week, and proceed to the mastering.

I expect a digital release sometime in the week of October 6th! CDs manufacturing will come a little bit later, as the cover is not ready yet.

But, the bottom line is that you'll soon be able to listen to the songs on WebsiteNO, BlogNO, MySpace and Facebook. It'll be available for sale right away on SNOCAP/MySpace, and over time on iTunes, Amazonmp3, Napster, Rhapsody and many others!

Stay tuned, it's coming!


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