Sunday, October 5, 2008

Paris-Chicago now ready!

Here we go!!! "Paris-Chicago" is recorded, mixed, and mastered ! After 7 months of studio sessions (I have to say that I would only go once a month at the beginning) and a lot of pulling my hair… I have to stop in order to move forward ! You will find the songs on WebsiteNO, on MySpace and little by little, you will also find them for download on many platforms.

On BlogNO, this post is a starter for a new category « Album Paris-Chicago ». This category will go over each of the album's songs, background info, lyrics, source of inspiration… and will answer your questions and comments.

Now, it is up to you ! Participate to BlogNO, pass on to your friends, send links, post on MySpace, Facebook… because without your help, I won't go very far!

Don't worry, my ambitions are rather reasonable : "far" means being able to record another album thanks to this one's success, and get better with your feedback!


Olivier (NO)

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