Friday, November 7, 2008

Laissez-moi passer

First song of the album : Laissez-moi passer

This is, in a way, a symbol, for me. I consider Laissez-moi passer to be the first real song I’ve written, in 1994.

Freshman in college, I was coming from several rock cover bands, I had recently become singer and guitarist of these bands, and had many melodies in my head. Laissez-moi passer came during a Physics exam, to which I saw no answer but a blank page… Suddenly, I pulled myself together, took my draft page, and…: Survive these difficult moments, in front of a blank page, an empty head, asking yourself at times where you are…. - The melody was flowing at the same time as the lyrics. I looked up from my sheet of paper, as if I had to breath before diving in again: “Look around myself to see lowered heads, frowning eyebrows and anxious eyes. Let oneself be ruled by a science, inexact ” - I had a good feeling, and suddenly less regrets. Finally: “But I don’t want to be stubborn any longer, just to dream. To go up on the stage and there, give everything. But..just let me in”

At that point, I gathered my stuff, I went back to my small “maids’ quarters” room in rue Cherche Midi, leapt on my guitar and finished the song. The bluesy intro was written a little later, and it’s mainly the bass and drums funky rhythmic which predominates while composing. The solo is much more recent, re-thought during the recording session this past summer.

This song has always been my "pitch card" to introduce my style, which I call “Bluesy French-Pop”. I was, of course, thrilled that it was chosen by the Unisong jury, last year, in the Top 20 of its “non-English” category.

I do hope that this new version will appear more mature, accomplished, and professional!

But as usual, YOU are the judges !

Olivier (NO)

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