Sunday, November 16, 2008

Small town America ... deeper than you may think

We heard a lot of things about "Small-town America" during the presidential election. Some think that it is the "true America", other that it is a "stupid America". In my country, and somehow in other places of Europe too, some would say that "true America is stupid"... Of course, the last election proved a lot of detractors wrong. They simply don't know what they are talking about. Do all Americans make sense? Of course not, you just need to listen to some Republican activists at the GOP convention in Septembre, it is sometimes scary. But what country is only made of intelligent people? (and how do you qualify for "intelligent"... no I won't go there...).

Anyway, I really wanted to share with you this great video/reportage. It was made by a young Belgian video director, Jean-Baptiste Dumont, who participates to the Muvmedia project: a web-tv show/contest, which recounts the video adventures of 4 French-speaking Europeans in North America, and 4 French Canadians in Europe. If you want to know more about the project:

The video shows the political views of small-town America inhabitants: surprising? expected? in any case, very interesting

Le vote des hommes du désert
by muvmedia

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